The visor came out really nice. shipping didn't take too long. maybe 1-2 weeks or so. I've only had it for a little less than two months and it hasnt faded. it doesnt shut properly on the helmet as cleanly as the OEM visor but it will with a little nudge. also the visor came in and it had someone's palm print permanently imprinted on my visor. I guess when manufacturing it someone half palmed the visor and it left a hand print that wont come off. but thank God its on the side of the visor and not planted in the middle. for the price..I'll give it a 7/10 for those particular issues. I would def a be a return customer, especially if they fixed these issues. the tint is dark but its not terrible at night. my wife says she can see my face at certain angles from the sun/light but in most cases when im on the road she cant see my face at all. which is perfect for me. hope that helps anyone reading this and questioning if they're a legit company. they def are and id recommend them.